Ever wondered how you would ride your horse without its tack – leave it unmarked, in an unsafe area and, sadly, you may have to find out! Happily, though, someone has bought it cheaply and is completely kitted out, thanks to you.

Make it harder for the thief by following our advice.
Co-ordinators have access to tack marking equipment and are very happy to come to your yard to apply your postcode on all leather, synthetic and metal equipment. This page shows you where equipment is marked. We try to keep the location of the marking consistent. Why do we do this? Many police officers who find stolen and lost equipment are not knowledgeable in equestrian terminology, so Thames Valley Horsewatch has published a document to show officers where to look for identification. For a copy of this document please click here. The more people who understand where we mark the better. It will speed up recovery and subsequent return to owners.
We also encourage you to mark your rugs. Advice is also available on how to do this and which products appear to work well. Please refer to Information sheet No. 11 on the Useful Information page.
For more information regarding tack marking please contact your local Horsewatch co-ordinator. If you are unable to locate them, contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team who will be able to pass you onto someone who can assist you.